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Manpower of Bangladesh

BANGLADESH a suitable source of manpower

Bangladesh is standing in the 6th most populous country in the world with its population up to 165 million in an area of 148,460 square kilometers and about 75% of these are in the working age. The workforce in the densely populated country is growing about 2 million people each year, which becomes one of the largest workforce in South Asia region and this manpower resource still seems mostly untapped to the outside world.

To utilize this huge manpower in house and worldwide, Bangladesh government as a country structured and attempt vital steps. TO PRODUCE ENGINEERING MANPOWER the numbers of institutes are,

  • Public University of Engineering & Technology: 5
  • Public University of Science & Technology: 14
  • Private University of Science & Technology: 12
  • Total annual intake capacity: 196,000 students
TO PRODUCE SKILLED TECHNICIANS there are mid-level technical and vocational training systems in the country. Mid-level technical education is provided after tenth year of schooling. Polytechnic sub-system offers well-organized 4 years diploma courses in engineering and technology. Numbers of institutes are,
Public Polytechnic Institute: 52
Private Polytechnic Institute: 220
Technical school and college: 64
Technical Training Centers (TTC’s):63
Institute of Marine Technology (IMT): 7
Total annual intake capacity: 196,000 students

TO PRODUCE MEDICAL MANPOWER like graduate and post-graduate medical education and training the country has following numbers of institution,

Public medical university: 5
Public medical collage: 37
Military medical collage: 6
Private medical collage: 72
Total annual intake capacity: 5300 students
Beside, numbers of qualified nurse are available for overseas employment. Numbers of nursing institutes are,
Public Nursing Training Institutes: 43
Private Nursing Training Institutes: 56
Total annual intake capacity: 6000 students

Agricultural, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Livestock, Horticulture Experts, Technical and Farmers: There are seven (7) Agricultural Universities and 17 public Agricultural Training Institutions, in Bangladesh offering degrees, diplomas and certificates of education and training in agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, fisheries, livestock, horticulture and related fields.

Experts with Bachelor’s Master’s and   Ph.D. degrees and technicians with several years’ experience in agricultural development, livestock, fisheries, forestry horticulture development and research activities are available in the country, in addition skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled shepherds with sufficient experience are also available for foreign employment.

Industrial Manpower: The country’s industries employ about 1.5 million workers of different categories. Professional, managerial, administrative, technical, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers including experienced garments workers, both male and female with several years of experience in different industrial fields are available for overseas employment.

IT and IT enabled service personnel: Bangladesh has now a large number of Computer Operators, Computer Engineers (both Hardware and Software), Programmers, Web Page Developer, Networking Specialist, System Analyst, etc. available for overseas employment.

Power Station, Petroleum and Fertilizer Manpower: Bangladesh has vast reservoir of professional, highly skilled and skilled manpower in electricity/power, petroleum and fertilizer sectors.

Road Transport workers: Professional, technical and skilled personnel experienced in operation, repair and maintenance of all categories of vehicles including trucks and heavy vehicle equipment’s are available for employment.

Manpower for Financial Institutions, Insurance, Audit and Accounts: Bangladesh has a network of commercial Bank and Financial Institutions covering even the remotest areas of the country. Persons experienced in central banking operations are also available in Bangladesh. Normally University Graduates are recruited for supervisory and managerial positions in the banking institutions and they are trained through a scheme for training for bankers.In addition, the Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management provides higher training of international standard to in-service banking personnel. Similarly, Chartered Accountants, Cost Management Accounts, Actuaries, and persons with long experience in Insurance business, Government and Commercial Audit and Accounting are available in the Country, and they can be spared for service abroad.

Port and Water Transport Workers: Personas of all categories needed for administration and operation of port facilities are available. These include inland Masters, Engine Drivers, Oil Men, Pre-sea Trained Nautical Cadres, Stevedores, Tally Clears, Crane Operators, Fort Lift Operators, Riggers, Security Personnel, Management Personnel and other categories of Personnel. They have international level of efficiency to the credit.

University/College/School Teachers: A large number of persons with university degrees in engineering science, humanities, fine arts and social sciences with experience of teaching in Schools, Colleges and Universities are available in the country for foreign employment.

Administrative and Defense Personnel: People in public administration sector with Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. degrees and specialized training and long experience are available for employment. Besides, persons educated and experienced in economic planning and research are also available for overseas employment. Retired army, navy and air force personnel with adequate experience can also be deployed abroad for manning defense and security services.
Hotel Management and Catering Staff: A large number of Bangladeshi hotel personnel are working in various reputed hotels abroad, mainly in the Middle Eastern countries. The Hotel Management Training Institute run by Bangladesh Tourism Corporation turns out a good number of trained hotel personnel every year. All categories of trained hotel staff experience or working in five-star hotels can be provided for the departments of food and beverage, housekeeping, front office, accounts and engineering.

Marine Crew: Bangladesh has a large number of qualified and experienced Ship/Cargo/Vessel Crew possessing Continuous Discharge Certificates (C.D.C.) Crew can be provided from Bangladesh at short notice. Certificated merchant navy officers are also available for overseas employment.

Ship Building industries:  Bangladesh has quality workers who are experienced in ship building industries.

Miscellaneous Manpower: Qualified photographers, printers, printing technicians, journalists, translators, musical entertainers, operators, tailors, sewing men, barbers, shoe makers, domestic servants, house keepers, cleaners and all types of semi-skilled, unskilled workers are available for employment abroad. Besides, Bangladesh has a huge number of manual workers to do heavy and difficult jobs like agricultural work, plantation, timber extraction, pottering and excavation work, etc.

“To serve the purpose of recruiting and sending migrant workers overseas Bangladesh Government established Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training (BMET) with an attached department of Ministry of Manpower Development and Social Welfare in 1976. The department is engaged in overall planning and implementation of the strategies for regulating migration process, promoting migrant workers right and skill development proper utilization of migrant workers of the country.

The Vision and Mission of BMET is,
To ensure safe and regular migration by providing skill development training and welfare support to the migrate workers.
Establishment of good governance in the recruitment of overseas employment
Creation of skilled manpower in line with demand of local and global labor market. Ensuring overall safe migration”